Cybersecurity Laws you Must Know!

In recent years, data theft has become well-known in the media. Businesses may fail to comply with federal legislation due to the risk of inadequate security. To that aim, familiarizing yourself with all these cyber security rules may be beneficial. Also, what is needed by federal law versus what is not? Below are a few federal cybersecurity legislation that you should be aware of. 

Let’s have a look at an overview of Cybersecurity 

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the warm blanket that keeps organizations and individuals safe from hackers or those trying to steal your data. Information, servers, networks, software, apps, computers, and personal devices—everything that is supposed to be private and essential to keeping your organization running—are all targets for these hackers.

Many cybersecurity precautions, such as using strong passwords, firewalls, anti-virus protection, encryptions, and data protection, are now second nature to you. These are necessary safeguards against cyberattacks, ransomware, phishing schemes, and other forms of harmful unauthorized access. However, the US government takes over from where your passcode and firewalls leave off.

Here are the laws governing the cybersecurity crime

1] Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act

This cyber security regulation encourages IT businesses and government agencies to exchange data so that dangers may be recognized and dealt with more quickly. This legislation is crucial for businesses that handle a lot of personal information. Because cyber security professionals are now engaged in various industries, it is critical. As a result, they’ll need to know how to deal with any hazards that occur. 

Many cybercrimes are unreported, and even when they are, gathering evidence to prosecute them can be challenging. CISA enables technology, manufacturing, and other businesses to share Internet traffic and cyber-threat data so that it may be used as evidence in cyber-crime prosecutions.

2] Gramm Leach Bliley Act

Financial institutions must explain their information-sharing practices to customers and safeguard sensitive data under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). Financial institutions are firms that offer financial products or services such as loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance.

The law enacted rules which must be followed by organizations dealing with finance. They are: 

  1. All personnel interacting with client information must undergo background checks, get security training, and sign confidentiality agreements.
  2. You must establish security and data encryption rules, as well as describe how you keep and secure your customers’ personal data. This covers information transfer, transportation, and disposal.
  3. Implement strict lock screens and require a frequent password change


In 2002, broadband was becoming more popular than dial-up, and Internet speeds were skyrocketing. Legislators projected that cybersecurity will be a national security issue as well.

Every government agency is required by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) to design a mechanism to secure its information systems from cyber threats. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) was passed to provide security criteria for information systems used by federal agencies. The purpose of FISMA is to secure the privacy, security, and high accessibility of data and the networks that use it.

The act’s effects create a broad shield against IT security threats, which may be extremely beneficial to you and your company.

Criminal lawyers at Autrey Law Firm are knowledgeable about the cybersecurity laws and can help you cases involving cybercrime.